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  • Dobrostan pracownika; Emocje w pracy.

  • Zdrowie pracownika; Stres; BezpieczeÅ„stwo pracy i przynależnoÅ›ci organizacyjnej.

  • Równowaga praca-rodzina; Elastyczny czas pracy.

  • Rynek pracy; Rozwój kariery; PrzedsiÄ™biorczość; Formy zatrudnienia.

  • Zachowania organizacyjne; Kultura i klimat organizacyjny; Etyka biznesu; Zachowania moralne.

  • Zmiana i rozwój organizacji.

  • Przywództwo i zarzÄ…dzanie; ZespoÅ‚y i grupy projektowe.

  • Rekrutacja i selekcja personelu.

  • Szkolenia i rozwój pracowniczy, coaching.

  • Ergonomia; Projektowanie pracy; Technologia w pracy; System czÅ‚owiek –maszyna

  • Metodologia badaÅ„ w psychologii pracy i organizacji

  • Interwencja organizacyjna – dobre praktyki 


Gary P. Latham

Gary Latham is the Secretary of State Professor of Organizational Effectiveness. He is a former President of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and President of Work and Organizational Psychology, a division of the International Association of Applied Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, Academy of Management, CPA, National Academy of Human Resources, SIOP, and the Royal Society of Canada. He is the only recipient of both awards: Distinguished Contributions to Science and to Practice from SIOP.

Arnold B. Bakker


Arnold Bakker is professor and chair of the research group Work and Organizational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Professor Bakker is also secretary general of the Alliance for Organizational Psychology, fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and adjunct professor at Lingnan University (Hong Kong). Previously, he was professor of positive organizational behaviour at Utrecht University and from 2009 until 2013 he was president of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 

His research interests include positive organizational phenomena such as work engagement, flow, and happiness at work, with a particular interest in understanding the processes that lead to job performance (e.g., crossover of work-related emotions). He has developed numerous internet applications, such as the Job Demands–Resources monitor, the Happiness Indicator, and the Engagement App. (Profesor Arnold Bakker niestety z powodów osobistych nie bÄ™dzie mógÅ‚ uczestniczyć w Konferencji) 


Adam Biela


Profesor Adam Biela wygłosi wykład pod tytułem: "Potencjał metodologiczny i aplikacyjny psychologii pracy i organizacji "


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